Thursday, 31 July 2008

Save the children in UK

今天收到knitting group寄來的網站
加上最近瓦斯跟電費又大漲價(british gas瓦斯漲35%,電費漲9%)

I received a website from a member of london knitting meetup group
It's a campagne by knitting a hat to rescue kids
I think it's difficult for people who live in Taiwan to imagine how cold it is in winter in the UK.
Even me as an adult can't tolerate most of the time.
Plus electric bill and gas bill outrageously rise recently. I have no idea how we can survive through this winter!

I think it is a very nice thing to take part in. I will start knitting this from tonight!

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

fake-a-gamo I-start my fake-a-gamo

British Summer turns to very warm these days, so I stop temporarily knitting my cardigan and start my fake-a-gamo. This bag is knitted by Debbie Bliss cathey which I bought in Peter Jones at 50% off!! This is the first time I knit by cotton. Cotton isn't like wool so elastic but Cathay is a very nice yarn to knit. I do like it a lot. Shame British weather won't allow me to knit many cotton clothes to wear here.
This bag is designed by some obssessed knitters( I really admire them to make such a nice job!! I wish someday I can be part of them!) If you're into this bag, please go to knitlit.
這個pattern有個很神奇的地方就是要用double wrap跟drop 11 stitches然後knit together!!
I learned something new this time. Which is double wrap and drop. I didn't firgure out this amazing part at the first time. The more frustration I get, the desirably I want to figure it out. It turned out I kept thinking of it the whole day yesterday. It made me so upset cause even I tried to looked at it thousand times I still didn't get it. ( I claimed it was all because of the hot weather!) Thank God I finally worked it out before 5! So I tried it on the train back home( I couldn't wait to take out my yarn to try but I couldn't!!)Anyway, it's always nice to work it out!
29/7 完成度 25%
29/7 complete fake-a-gamo 25%

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

買到五折debbie bliss的cathay!!-at Peter Jones

前天走到Sloane Square的Peter Jones居然發現他有一堆毛線在狂打五折
不知道是不是因為是夏天的關係 大多數的毛線都是棉質的
昨天翻到黑色的debbie bliss cathay的線 有七捲

I popped into Peter Jones in Sloane square on Monday and accidentally found there's a big sale on yarns. I don't know is it because of summer, most of the yarn are cotton. It is a bit disappointed because I hope I can get cheap cashmerino aran or baby cashmerino.( Maybe it will never happen for those are popular and very good quality yarn from Debbie Bliss!)
I found 7 skeins of black Cathay in the end. It was 1 skein less to satify the yarn for fake-a gamon!! so I tried so hard to turn over the whole basket to find it. Thank God I found it in the end! It only costs me GBP 10.8 for 8 skeins!! What a bargain!!!

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Margaret Cardigan-II-On half way now! 小外套已經打了1/2了

It was knitted nearly 50%. This is my first time to knit a clothe, so I spent a lot of time to figure out hte pattern. My colleagues told me they thought it looks very lovely and even them feel very attempted to start to learn how to knit! I didn't think it will amaze them so much at the very first beginning. The very first thought is to knit a cardigan to wear in UK.
I already finished a sleeve and the main part.
由於是第一次打整件衣服 所以之前花很多功夫在看懂織圖上面
今天同事讚美說很美麗 圖形很立體 連他都有一點點心動想要動手了

After neglecting gauge I did pay attention to my tension this time. I don't know was it because of the yarn over or I wasn't very good at control my tention. The tention was getting looser and looser. It was not a very good thing!! I have to decrease by myself in the end. I was quite worried about it. I even had a nightmail of failing the decrease!! I am so worried I need to unravel and redo again now!
但不知道是不是有yarn over後來打了之後長度還是不對
剛剛更發現 每一球可以打的行數越來越多!!

Next challenge will be the cuff which will be needed changing neeldes to make it a natural wave and use crochet to finish. I haven't done any crochet so far.. ( It probably will be a very big task for me)

I am thinking to knit a cleaning brush after this cardigan.
I hope I can finish it very soon!