The reason I know Wan-Chen is just because we both are knit-loves. Through TKA, I knew she is like me living in London. I didn't know many people in this city because I didn't move here very long. I realized if I never try to know people, people will never know me. So I wrote her an email and invited her to go to Loop. I wasn't so familiar with the traffic in London so I was a bit late when I arrived Angel tube station. When we stepped into Loop, the staff wasn't too happy and said we're nearly close!@@
We both like yarn shop a lot. Although we only had 10 min, we still tried our best to touch yarns, feel it, and left sadly. This is the first time I met her. Before that, I already saw lots of her knitting stuff through her blog. I adnired the color she chose for her projects. Because she was going to have an interview, so we did some window shopping around angel before we parted.
再來就夏天了,光頭妹也怠惰的沒打毛線,我只好一個人默默的打我的毛線,不過我還是有空就會上一下他的甄製瞧瞧是否他又有什麼驚人之作!前一陣子光頭妹又自己回來TKA,所以我也很興奮的快點約他見面,我們在victoria見面時還相約好互相都穿著剛剛打好的毛衣,他穿著他最近打好的poncho,還秀給我看什麼是fisherman's rib. 這一天見面,我們還分享了很多編織的心情,我真的很開心可以認識光頭妹,因為我的同事雖然對於我打毛線這件事情,大多數都是從很驚訝到很羨慕,但因為興趣不同,很難跟他們分享我的心情,還好這一切,光頭妹都懂.那天他還跟我說他們結婚紀念日那天騎車到brighton,她老公還特地準備了一個腳踏車專用的tomtom但還是不小心的騎上了高速公路把他嚇得半死!他跟我分享他是怎麼嘗試著從他家Hackey一路騎到 SOUTH KENSINNTON但還是沒有成功,第一次騎到Holborn就放棄了~我跟他分享我第一次被呼嘯而過的車子整個困在圓環中間很想哭的心情.那一天是我這半年來第一次參加毛線聚會最開心的一天.那天之後,我好期待下一次我們的見面,不過我擔心他又忙下一次見面又不知道要等到什麼時候所以我就寫信給他,謝謝他昨天陪我打毛線跟打屁,他隔了兩個禮拜才回我信,但在信上盡是道歉說不好意思這麼晚回,但他很興奮的說他終於成功的從他家騎到公司了!還說他很開心他會試著天天這麼做.22/9我回信給他說你真是勇敢ㄟ~一直到今天,我還在等他的信,想說都說好要打毛線了,這小女生不知道又在忙什麼,過兩天來打電話給他好了...
Summer comes and Wan chan might be oppucied by something else. I still continued my knitting. But I still went to her blog to see if she restarted her knitting again every now and then. It was very exciting when she back to TKA,I couldn't wait to email her to check what she was knitting and when we could meet! We met at London Victoria and we both wore what we just knitted. I also gave her the pattern I just knitted.She showed me how to do the fishermnan's rib she just learned. I did enjoy the day a lot. and I felt so lucky to know her in this city. I don't have too many friends, especially someone with the same hobby as me. Most of my colleagues were surprised when they know I knit. Except that, nothing much. It is totally different experience when I chat knitting with Wanchen or Regina or Celia, it feels like they do care about what you wanna say except just trying to listen.
Besides knitting she talked a lot about cycling. She also mentioned she and her husband cycled to Briton from London for 5 hours. He prepared a tomtom for the bikes but it directed them to the motor way which freaked her out! And how terrified when she tried to cycle from Hackey to south kensignton.She tried several times and failed. but she still loved to try it. I thought she was such a brave girl because I live in zone 5. the traffic is much much better than central london. But I had a horrible experience when I cycled just around where I live. I stocked in the middle of a round-about and I decided never ever do that again. That was the most wonderful meetup I had for that last 6 months. I was so looking forward to the day we meet again. I gave her some knitting information through email and thanked her to have given me such a wonderful time.She didn't manage to reply my mail after 2 weeks. She apologised for being so late to reply my mail. and say we defnetely will meet again soon. She also mentioned she finally successfully cycled from her place to south kensignton. She was happy about that and she was gonna try to do it everyday. I was very surprised she did it. I was waiting for her mail until today. and was thinking i might call her to book time to meet.
我下班通常都是拿london lite不拿the london paper的,我通常下班坐火車回家就是拿london lite,五分鐘翻完剛好換車,剛好開始打毛線.我今天不知道為什麼,突然拿起被丟在一邊座位的the london paper.我突然看到光頭妹的照片.我想...難怪他這麼忙.不會是因為有表演吧...我有點興奮的要讀起文章.我突然發現標題好像不是我期待的..我驚訝...我不知道該說什麼..我想..我是不是弄錯了..但那名字..那照片..就是連我認識的光頭妹....這種事情不應該發生在一個超級小心的腳踏車騎士...尤其是一個連公車停在站牌都會乖乖的等公車開走才繼續騎腳踏車的人.這~是怎麼一回事...原來這就是我等不到他回信的原因...
I normally take london lite rather than the london paper. I normally took london lite, flipped through just before I changed my train, started knitting on my journey home. I didn't know why I tool the london paper set aside me today. I saw a picture looks like Wan chen. I thought- No wonder she had been so busy, she must have a performance or something. I was a bit excited to read something about her. BUT THE TITLE SEEMED NOT WHAT I HAD EXPECTED. I was ASTONISHED.. I didn't know what I should say, what I felt. It must be a big joke. There must be something wrong about it. But the photo, the name, is exactly the lovely adorable Wanchen I knew. I couldn't believe how come it will happen to a super cautious cyclist. Especially she was a girl who would wait behind the bus whenever buses stops at bus stop. What was going on??? It is actually the reason why I haen't got her reply......