線材很早已前就收到了但是因為我第一次打lace yarn完全不曉得會這麼細收到的時候真是傻眼呢.當然有嘗試馬上要來打但馬上就發現沒辦法.所以只好趕快來買yarn swift& ball winder.有了捲線器真是好多了.但因為買的時候買家說有點重所以我想說那寄到安迪公司去好了他可以開車幫我載回來結果遇到他瘋狂出差週~~硬是等到上個禮拜五才收到=.=!!!
My yarn is from Lane Borgosesia, I eventually bought it from Pavi yarn.They are quite good and fast. My first choice wasn't this shp. Unfortunately the shop I had bought didn't have the color in stock although THEY SHOW IT ON THEIR WEBIST. I was quite frustrated to have such an unpleasant experience I don't think I will buy anything from them now. They didn't get the money from my card but they just wasted me my time.=.=" And even I was told they don't have that color in stock I still could see this on their webist. I don't think it's good although I know maintain a webite isn't an easy job.
I was quite amazied how thin lace yarn us. Of course I at once tried to cast on BUT I didn't want toruin it for I didn't have a ball winder. Such a thin yarn will denefitely caused a very big trouble. I thought of the importance to have a yarn swift and ball winder. I bought it in the end. I knew if I don't have them I couldn't do anything about the yarn. I thought it might be eaiser to ship to Andy's office and then he could bring it back to me. Such a wonderful plan, wasn't it? anothe BUT. He was so busy to out of his office for the whole week~~~~~~~~~ so I didn't get them til last Friday.
收到之後禮拜天我們兩個就在玩新玩具,安迪說還好我沒答應你拿我的手讓你當yarn swift.因為光是有新玩具也捲了好久ㄟ~~捲完後就開始要來打了
We were both ecxited of them. Andy helped me set them up and even helped me wind the ball. He seemed enjoy it. And he said I was soo brilliant not to promise you to be your yarn swift. It took such a long time to wind the skein(100g) I don't think I wanted to torture himn like this.
I just finished my swatch!! It didn't look the same as Regina's=.= What happened??!! I quite like to knit by Western pics. the good thing is they will note what those symbles means rather than Japanese way. YOU HAVE TO CHECK WHAT THEY MEAN WHEN KNIT JAPANESE PATTERN!!! and the good thing is the project should look very similar when you finish it. I reckon it looked quite the same. So maybe just the differnece from size. mine and Regina's ( I will take a good look afterwards)
昨天repeat時不小心漏針害我完全不知到要拆到那邊去才可以看的懂一整個想哭~~lace yarn 打起來怎麼這麼累阿=.=(這下又想買個打毛線專用檯燈因為英國的房子都超暗的這種時候超級想念台灣的家的客廳都是大展的日光燈好幾盞~這樣打起來一定很明亮)
I started on Monday night but I redid quite a few times. I think I need some time to get used to yarn lace. I accidentally sliiped a stitch and then I didn't know how far I needed to go to pick it up=.= so upset!!! Now my new toy target is a knitting lamp for light in British house is not so brlight. I don't know how Regina can made 2 swatches and after than some swatch with beads. I thnk I will stick to this one and just knit by no4 needle for I have no power to make another watch now. ^_^
這顏色很漂亮也!我覺得比酒紅色多了點時髦感! :D
現在忽然想到,我會不會把妳帶壞啦?等下妳家安迪恨死我了~:P 妳確定釘在沙發上沒事?那個針孔會不會縮不回來啊? 定型用的墊子就是EVA墊(foam),台灣大賣場就有,英國就不知道了不過我想應該不難買到才對啦!這個墊子的好處是不用時可以拆開收起來~
啊~妳是說lifeline?這也是好方法,不過我很懶,連線都懶得穿:P 所以打的時候都要很小心.
對了,Georgina建議如果打的時候妳有用東西標記打的那一行,例如尺或Post It,記得把還沒有打的(上面的)遮住.以前我都遮下面,結果打都不知道,遮上面的好處是邊打還可以邊跟前一排對花!跟MS4還學到不少東西!
恩恩這方法不錯~我正在cable cast on 但線很細所以cast on好久~我家沒有那麼細的CROCHET HOOK等一下要來去買super floss(又要被搶兩鎊多了=.=)
Hi Ronia! 我偶然在網上搜尋器找到你的knitting blog! 很喜歡你的 cabled bag 和小飛俠被肩啊!!
我也剛想買蕾絲線打被肩﹐請問你覺得Lane Borgosesia 怎麼樣? 還好嗎? 我沒有打過蕾線﹐看來好像蠻難的... :(
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