Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Margaret cardigan-III-小外套袖口已經好了~剩下領子跟下擺-nearly there,only collar and lower hem to go!

所以就認真的打起我的包包.目前包包已經打完剩下縫內裡跟把手(但通常這種時候最懶~不知道這樣拖下去又要多久@@) but anyway,天氣又變冷了,所以就趕緊回來打我的小外套!

I havne't continued knitting my cardigan for a long time. One was because it was quite warm in the UK. It was very difficult to hold such warm alpaca yarn to knit; also I was worried my sweaty hand might dirty my cardigan. That was why I started knitting my fake-a-gamo. ( my fake-a-gamo is almost done. the last job I need to do now is to sew the lining and handles. I normally feel lazy to complete the last part. but anyway, it's gettting colder again., so I back to my cardigan now.


This is the first time I use crochet. At first I didn't know how to do crochet, let alone the pattern. Thank Regina and sheephouse to help me understand the pattern. I worked very hard to watch on itune and clover to learn how to do crochet. maybe the experience of provisional cast-on, It didn't take me long time to pick itup this time. I made my first ssk and 3 chaing stitches on the train yesterday. Although I was on the train I still couldn't help take out my mobile to take the picture.


The cuff is knitted by 1k1p. It wasn't a very difficult one but I didn't know why I had several holes on my cuff.=.= Now I am working on my 2nd cuff. After trying to knit it tighter, this situation seems gone. I think I will unravel the first cuff. One is because I don't like those holes, the other is I think the first cuff is a bit too loose. It is 24cm, I reckon 22cm might be a better width for me.

收編是用兩針併一針加三鎖針.因為我剛開始打鉤針,還不太會控制拉線的力道,所以一下子因為拉太緊,線過不了洞,一下子又因為放太多,左手食指已經抓不住線了...OH MY GOD!!昨天在收編的時候打到我都流眼淚(我太專注在盯作品了)這樣真傷眼睛~~@@ 不知道何時我才能好好的控制我的線,根據我打棒針的經驗,大概需要兩三個作品來磨練@@

the edging is knitted by ssk, 3 chian stitch. This is the first time I do crochet, so I have no diea what is the best way to pull the yarn. My tears were coming out after I concentrated on the project too much. It wasn't good for my eyes. I think I need more practice to control my yarn.


1p1k isn't hard jsut takes time. I really don't like doing boring 1k1p.

打完第二個袖子後我把第一個拆啦!因為覺得真的太寬..但還是有莫名的洞洞~~這到底是為什麼阿!!! 收第二個袖口時開始收編收的比較快了..果然打勾真需要練習壓!!

21/8 開始打領子(或是說下擺)可能打了一晚已經眼花撩亂了但還是很想繼續,所以就有點神智不清.一開始因為邊邊有點捲起來所以不是很確定線要穿到哪邊後來終於搞定又發現怎麼兩邊剩下的袖口長度不太一樣量半天到晚上十點多終於算對了但其實跟一開始一樣我可能是因為拉到織片所以量起來長度會不一樣吧..

I start knitting the colar on 21/8. Perhaps I was much tired than I thought. The right thing I should have done is take a rest and start the next day. So I struggled in the left length between the two sides. First was I the slightly curly edge made me confused where should I put my needle in. then was the balance of the left edge of both side of the main body. I thought I waste about 1 hr to figure out I was right at the first time!!!! I reckon I accidentally pulled it to cause the mistake.

Monday, 18 August 2008

毛線到!-got my new yarn!!


Finally I've got my yarn. I ordered it from blacksheep.

There are loads of yarns on sale. This is the first time I purchased jaeger's yarn. I was a bit worried the color will be different from what I saw from the monitor. Fortunately they look prettier than on the screen.



雖然Nature fleece是100%羊毛 ,但觸感很好並不會刺刺的!


Nature fleece is 100% wool but it is very softer then I expected. I plan to knit a shrugshrug. I hope it will be so nice as Celia's.


My previous plan is - if the yarn is not so soft, even I knit a shawl to knit a shawl. it won't bother me too much!



有3捲棉線(要來打我的lunch sack) ,主體色會用桃色點綴色用白色,原本有點擔心那桃色會出乎意料的橘(我不喜歡橘色)但後來寄到的時候還頂喜歡的ㄟ...(因為價格好誘惑人喔~~嗚嗚)
There are 3 skeins of cotton( for my lunch sack) the main color is the peach, I was worried the peach would be too orange(personally, I don't like orange) but the real color is quite lovely!!

I quite like this website, so if you're into some yarn, maybe you can get some yarn.
這次一口氣訂了35英鎊的毛線 包括9捲chunky的線(每卷100克一球只要2.99英鎊說!)

fake-a-gamo IV 織片完成-finishing knitting fake-a-gamo

I first finished the right part of the handle.

This is one side of the bag.I don't know why blogger just show this in this angle. and I don't know how to turn it back@@. but you can still see the bag perfectly..Such a lovely bag...


I finally finished my fake-a-gamo, I've learned a lot of new techniques through the process. Sometimes I felt upset but I was extremely happy and satisfied with it. I've learned how to do reverse stitch and also dling double wrap.
I went to Hounslow downtown to get lining for my fake-a-gamon; unfortunately they don't have much fabric. The salesman said it's shame less and less shop selling fabrics now. There are many people asking for black fabric, but they don't sell it.( o.s.: Since so many people asked, why didn't you sell??!!)

I've hought of buying leopard pattern as the lining but I still decided to use black. Because I haven't read how to make the yo smaller before I started so I had no choice but use black to cover the whole now.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

fake-a-gamo III 辛酸史-My nearly-done fake-a-gamo


Just as I thought, it will never be easy to knit this lovely bag; but when all the struggles came out, it still made me quite frustrated. It probably because I was so desperated to complete it, so I didn't even read through the whole pattern, just concentrated to knit it. I didn't realize I need to do some decrease on the 2nd pattern 2 to fit .so when I finished the 2nd pattern2, oh dear, the only thing I need to do it unknit it. ( This is the first time, and I learned a very good lesson- never start a project before I read it through the whole pattern.

要開始打接把手的地方因為中間要cast off
花很多時間研究出來之後 也累了
一直到晚上我覺得越看越不對勁到底哪邊怪怪的呀才發現(holly molly!!!)

It's interesting to cast off stitched in the middle of the row. It was also my first time ever to do this. It took me some time to realize it and after that, I felt so tired. so I carried my new yarn to start the 2nd part of the bag(the back side) I didn'[t know I was too nervous or I enjoyed the meetup too much. I spent the whole night but I didn't find I reverse the whole bag( Maybe I missed 1 row. Heavern knows!!) The oddest thing is I didn't find out even the next day on the train. Until that night, I just didn't understand why it didn't look right. so I took out the picture and check and then .....errr.....What an idiot I was...

昨天回家發現 我把我的織片留在公司
雖然打到最後cast off我已經累到腰酸背痛

I accidentally left my back side in the office. So I took out the front side and finished the right handle part. It is a little achievement when I finished the cast-off. Although I was exhausted then. I think my lovely fake-a-gamo will be done very soon.

Friday, 8 August 2008

I KNIT群編初體驗- Fist time to join I knit club

昨天是我第一次到waterloo的i knit 參加群編

It was my first time to join knitting meetup in IKNIT in waterloo. I've thought of going to this place for a long time but I didn't know why I never made up my mind to do so. It starts at 6 every Wed and Thu either in IKNIT or a pub close to IKNIT. (If you're interested in this, please click iknit. I arrived at 10 to 6, there were already some knitters chatting, knitting and chill out. The atmosphere was nice and people were very friendly. I am first time to join them but they were interested in what I was knitting and said fake-a-gamo looks like a very lovely bag.

所以基本上就像是個毛線咖啡店一樣 有茶有cider
打到沒毛線如果剛好有你要的毛線你也可以現場買 或是毛線工具
打到七點大家都累了所以開始有人翻起店裡的雜誌 隔壁的sue順手買了兩本雜誌
這裡的雜誌跟WHSmith最大的不同就是 沒有塑膠套封起來 所以可以翻了喜歡再買

It is a very relax place, you can go, join as long as you bring your yarn and needle. If you don't have one, you can also buy some at iknit. I like this lovely shop. you can order some drinks if you want. the best part of here is you can flip through all the magazine, not like WHSmith, the only thing you can see is the COVER.

第一次參加聚會 很多英國式笑話有聽沒有懂

This is my first time to join the meetup. I am sorry I didn't catch most of the British jokes. but I like the meetup so I will go still.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

fake-a-gamo II

打第二個patter2在第一排25針之後cast off 3st.接下來再把後續的st打完
之後第二排打到cast off那邊後我就不知道何去何從了
所以我禮拜天到kingston的john lewis求救!
才知道cast off後只能先打一個半邊 沒辦法一起打

打半邊還要隔一牌要cast off
所以我只好自己重新把pattern做筆記!(oh dear~~)
還好john lewis的小姐說的對:不懂的時候看圖片,照片會說話
所以第15排最後原本是double wrap但不需要double wrap
第十六排就直接k就好 終於打好半邊!!終於!!!

現在要開始研究什麼是reverse stitch還有學到應該把pattern整個讀懂再開打,我常常做料理也是這樣,所以到一半就會遇到很多trouble. 我決定要改掉這個壞習慣!!

I spent most of my free time to work on fake-a-gamo
Because now is in the critical handle position, I encountered a very big challenge which I haven't met before.
I have to cast off 3 st. after 25st. and then continue the pattern. This is my first time to cast on in th emiddle of the project. So I knitted accordingly. after that I continued to knit hte 2nd row when I knit until where I just casted off. I didn't know where should I knit. If I countinue to knit over, the 2 parts between the handles will be knitted together, which isn't the result I want. So what the hell should I knit? I think I probably can knit the 3rd row and continue til the pattern2 finished. but I wasn't so sure. I decided to go to Kingston for help.
It was a rainy day. The weather wasn't so nice as my mood. I was frustrated about my bag. and I really wanted to know the answer. I couldn't sleep well because I was keeping thinking of a question which I didn't have answer. Thank God I met a very helpful lady who told me I should just forget the left side( Since I am working on the right side) continue my work at the right side and finish it and then it will be done. I was very happy I went and get the answer I wanted.

I came home to continue my knitting. Undoubtedly, I encountered more problems in the back. Thank God I remember what the lady told me. The picture will tell you the answer when you puzzle. SHE IS RIGHT. I made some mistake by knitting according to the pattern. so I look at the picture and hope it can tell me the direction. I revised it myself and it did look like what it should be.

The 15th row should be k5(double wrap), p19, k9(without double wrap-'cause you want to keep this for the edge of the handle)

Now I have to learn how to do reverse st. and knit the back now!

I found I have a very bad habit: I start knitting without reading the whole pattern. I am like this when I cook! This is not very good. That's why I stuck in the middle now and that's why I am used to in a caos when I cook. I promise I will discard this habit!

Friday, 1 August 2008

毛線換季了-new season now

昨天利用午休走到slones square想要去採購打折毛線


I went to slone square yesterday again. I was thinking to get more cathay.
Unfortunately they've been off shelved and there is only autumn-winter yarn now.
The lady said I may try Osford circus but I don't wanna go there....
Such a dissapointed afternoon.