Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Margaret cardigan-III-小外套袖口已經好了~剩下領子跟下擺-nearly there,only collar and lower hem to go!

所以就認真的打起我的包包.目前包包已經打完剩下縫內裡跟把手(但通常這種時候最懶~不知道這樣拖下去又要多久@@) but anyway,天氣又變冷了,所以就趕緊回來打我的小外套!

I havne't continued knitting my cardigan for a long time. One was because it was quite warm in the UK. It was very difficult to hold such warm alpaca yarn to knit; also I was worried my sweaty hand might dirty my cardigan. That was why I started knitting my fake-a-gamo. ( my fake-a-gamo is almost done. the last job I need to do now is to sew the lining and handles. I normally feel lazy to complete the last part. but anyway, it's gettting colder again., so I back to my cardigan now.


This is the first time I use crochet. At first I didn't know how to do crochet, let alone the pattern. Thank Regina and sheephouse to help me understand the pattern. I worked very hard to watch on itune and clover to learn how to do crochet. maybe the experience of provisional cast-on, It didn't take me long time to pick itup this time. I made my first ssk and 3 chaing stitches on the train yesterday. Although I was on the train I still couldn't help take out my mobile to take the picture.


The cuff is knitted by 1k1p. It wasn't a very difficult one but I didn't know why I had several holes on my cuff.=.= Now I am working on my 2nd cuff. After trying to knit it tighter, this situation seems gone. I think I will unravel the first cuff. One is because I don't like those holes, the other is I think the first cuff is a bit too loose. It is 24cm, I reckon 22cm might be a better width for me.

收編是用兩針併一針加三鎖針.因為我剛開始打鉤針,還不太會控制拉線的力道,所以一下子因為拉太緊,線過不了洞,一下子又因為放太多,左手食指已經抓不住線了...OH MY GOD!!昨天在收編的時候打到我都流眼淚(我太專注在盯作品了)這樣真傷眼睛~~@@ 不知道何時我才能好好的控制我的線,根據我打棒針的經驗,大概需要兩三個作品來磨練@@

the edging is knitted by ssk, 3 chian stitch. This is the first time I do crochet, so I have no diea what is the best way to pull the yarn. My tears were coming out after I concentrated on the project too much. It wasn't good for my eyes. I think I need more practice to control my yarn.


1p1k isn't hard jsut takes time. I really don't like doing boring 1k1p.

打完第二個袖子後我把第一個拆啦!因為覺得真的太寬..但還是有莫名的洞洞~~這到底是為什麼阿!!! 收第二個袖口時開始收編收的比較快了..果然打勾真需要練習壓!!

21/8 開始打領子(或是說下擺)可能打了一晚已經眼花撩亂了但還是很想繼續,所以就有點神智不清.一開始因為邊邊有點捲起來所以不是很確定線要穿到哪邊後來終於搞定又發現怎麼兩邊剩下的袖口長度不太一樣量半天到晚上十點多終於算對了但其實跟一開始一樣我可能是因為拉到織片所以量起來長度會不一樣吧..

I start knitting the colar on 21/8. Perhaps I was much tired than I thought. The right thing I should have done is take a rest and start the next day. So I struggled in the left length between the two sides. First was I the slightly curly edge made me confused where should I put my needle in. then was the balance of the left edge of both side of the main body. I thought I waste about 1 hr to figure out I was right at the first time!!!! I reckon I accidentally pulled it to cause the mistake.


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