Thursday, 25 September 2008

fake-a-gamo VI 完成! Finally complete my fake-a-gamo( What a long journey~~)

週末我把我的裁縫機搬出來玩耍~這是我去年收到的聖誕禮物只是因為我從沒操作過,所以每次只要拿出來就要拿著手冊一個一個步驟的從穿針到捲bobbin然後常常bobbin還很不給面子的會卡住@@所以每次只要想到要用裁縫機我就是一個頭兩個大.但這個週末我實在是覺得我應該把我的fake-a-gamo完成,這麼漂亮的包包一直被我冷落的放在旁邊真的是對他很不公平! 所以我就拿出我的裁縫機~嘿嘿~一次搞定ㄟ~~不過我還是有耍小白吃~正反縫錯,所以拆線又花了好一陣子@@ I finally took out my sewing machine which was my Last Xmas present from Andy. I never used one before I got it. So I was very UNFAMILIAR withi it. Everttime I use it, I need to do it step by step according to the manual. Yes! From putting on the thread, wind the bobbing, etc. And I had so much trouble with the bobbing=.= So I wasn't keen to use sewing machine. Honestly I've finished this bag for quite a while. But I hadn't manage to do my lining. Last weekend I just thought this is such a lovely bag, if I don't do it NOW. It might end up being put on the corner FOREVER!!! so I made up my mind to just do it!!!Lucily! I didn't suffer a lot to finish the lining, except I sewed it in side out the first time.

縫完內裡後開始縫把手反而輕鬆很多呢..最困難的居然是如何把內裡漂亮的跟包包縫合.我逢的不是很美=.=不過至少已經有個內裡可以開始用了=.= 希望下次再做包包可以有比較漂亮的內裡,上次打cable bag時因為是麻花包所以織片很緊密的在一起,縫內裡時很簡單,但fake-a-gamo是個很多洞洞的包所以我不知道怎麼縫得很紮實因為擔心線會露出來就不好了

After sewing the lining, it was much easier to sew the handles. The most difficult part was out of my expection-- how to sew the lining perfectly inside the bag. I have to admit that Ididn't do it well. But at least I can start using it NOW!!! I hope I can make it better next time. The first bag I made was a cable bag. Maybe because of the pattern was full of cable. It was quite solid to sew the lining . Unfortunately Fake-a-gamo isn't bag with lovely pattern which has some holes. That is why I didn't know how to sewing the lining in a better way.

I couldn't wait to have carried my fake-a-gamon to work today even I nealy missed my train this morning.( I rushed to change my bag just before I left) I was so happy about it! Except the lining.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

フードつきショール3-完成~finished my shawl

yarn:Jaeger Natural Fleece 5skein
shade 531

這是我第一件披肩我沒有想到會這麼快就完成呢!(果然粗毛線可以打很快ㄟ) 雖然是一件設計很簡單的披肩但卻很有自己的特色,唯一比較困擾的是不知道揹包包時是該揹在裡面還是外面,所以我決定要把包包換成提的,所以這代表--我要快點來完成我的fake-a-gamo!!(昨天我鼓起勇氣把我的裁縫機拿出來把內裡縫好了@_@)

This is a shawl I have been attracted for a long time. I didn't realize it would be finished so quickly! only 2 weeks!! Godness! Although it's a very simple design but it does has its own charaster. The only flaw is when I hold a handbag I don't know whether to carry it inside the shawl or outside.:) Which really inspires me to finish my fake-a-gamo( I actually took out my sewing machine and complete th elining last night.)

這個毛線是jeager的natural fleece,已經停產了,但我因為喜歡他的顏色所以買來打打看,這個毛線最大的缺點是,有時會很粗有時會很細,我在打的時候很擔心打完整件衣服看起來會 有些地方的毛線很粗有些地方太細,但打完卻很意外的沒有這個問題,不過我想有機會在打粗毛線我應該不會再買這一款毛線,給其他粗毛線一個機會. 上次打粗毛線是rowan的big wool,兩個都是粗毛線(但natural fleece更粗一些)都是100% wool,但觸感JAEGER的好很多~可惜粗細不一=.=

The yarn I used this time is natural fleece from JAEGER. It is already discountinued. I like the color that was why I gave it a try. The biggest shortcoming is the yab has very uneven thickness. I was so worried the shawl would look not right when finished. Thank God it doesn't happen! I don't think I will buy the same yarn to knit next time. The last timne I use bulky yarn is big wool from ROWAN. they're both 100% lambwool but I prefer the texture of JAEGER.

我鈕釦是在ebay上面買的,照片實在是照的太美了,所以我反而有點擔心品質不會像照片那麼好,但是很意外的實體就像照片一樣唷~非常的有質感!(要謝謝 Celia跟Regina幫我票選二號!哈!)縫在衣服上也很好看呢~~我發現織圖扣子的位子縫起來後最後一顆有點拐拐的,所以我後來自己把扣子的位置移的比較後面這樣可以調成扣扣子時下擺是剛好成一圈,我自己覺得這樣比原本的設計好看,也會剛好可以讓領子的地方突出的很漂亮.
the button is from ul ebay:belloandbellissimo. They are as lovely as what the picture looked like. And they were delivered very fast!! well packed. I recommand this seller if your'e in the uk.( I wanna thank Regina and Celia to have picked such wonderufl buttons for me. They go so well with this shawl!!)I found the position of the last button will make the shawl doesn't look quite right if you knit it according to the pattern. So I moved it a bit further to make it a smooth line among the three buttoons. And I also think it makes the collars looks much better. I really like the little altering for myself!

帽子的地方是用半針縫合,我看了圖之後覺得跟flat seam很像一邊又心急的想要趕快完成,就自己開心怎樣縫合就下手了!有時候覺得編織本來就是要隨心所欲完全照原圖縫反而綁手綁腳,最後是用三針縫合的方式bind off. (引き抜き)這些專有名詞真的常搞的我頭昏腦脹的~~有時候會覺得乾脆直接打英文織圖算了,但看著日本的圖就又一直留口水...=.="

the hood was beamed by 半針縫合. I wasn't sure how to do it, but I reclon it looked like flat seam meanwhile, I was so desperate to finish it.( I was so close!!!) so I just did it on my own way. I think knitting shouldn't be a pressure to do whatever the pattern told us.( of course some main principle we still need to obey!) the most important thing is I ENJOY it! and if I did, why kept worried about which way is the correct way. I feel frustrarted when I encountered these terminology but I also learned and felt so happy when I realize what they are.

11/9 Finished the half part of the shawl.
14/9 Finished shawl..Will work on hood now.
19/9 put on buttons and make my first-ever button holes
20/9 use 半目とじ to seam two sides of the hoods, I reckin that’s flat seam. and then (引き抜き)3 needle bind-off to finish the hood.
20/9 I changed the position of the last button to make it look more smoothly.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

MS4:1 悶~~upset...

上禮拜很開心的報名了MS4,而且想說要來打給我娘,給他一個驚喜~上禮拜五很心急的找毛線跟珠珠,畢竟MS4已經開打好一陣子了,而且這是我第一次找蕾斯線跟珠子,加上這是要送我娘的不是自己要用的,所以掙扎好久才選好顏色,大多數在美國的人都是買knitpicks,但英國買不到,所以只好流口水,最後還好Regina說Lane Borgosesia也蠻不錯的,所以就決定來試試看!我一直是個很不會看照片下決定的人,還好Regina有幫我挑毛線跟珠珠的顏色,放心多了!下定好後就一直想著禮拜一應該就會收到

I registered to join MS4 last week. I was thinking to make it for my mom to surprise her. I spent quite a long while to find the right yarn and beads. I wasn't easy for me for I was first time to knit by lace yarn. Most of the members knit by knitpicks, unfortunately I can't buy knitpack in the UK. so finally I found Lane Borgosesia on internet and Regina said she's heard people recommand this yarn, which was a big relieve for me. I never realize it is a big task to find a right color for my mom. Thanks for Regina she gave me lots of opinions on the yarn and beads. I am those kinf of person to have problem to make a decision unless I see the stuff in front of me. I did enjoy the whole process of looking for materials.



Anyways, I put my order on line last Friday and couln't wait for Monday's coming.
Monday, nothing came.
Tuesday, finally my beads came. The color is very rich and just like what I think. Where's my yarn??! I tried to call the shop, the lady who answered the phone said she was too busy to deal with it. Maybe I couldn't try to call tomorrow.
Wed, I got the call from the shop, unfortunately they don't have the yarn.???!!! Why...I was very upset because if they could note out of stock on internet, at least I can try other colors. Now I've

got my beads, I don't think I can change the color of the yarn now.
wait wait wait.....It is suppoed to be the longest wait in my life.....:S

Monday, 15 September 2008

フードつきショール2 選那個?-which one?







Sunday, 14 September 2008

フードつきショール1-shawl with hood


第一次用jeager的natural fleece,但很不滿意有時粗有時細,而且很明顯的有時候很粗有時候很細,光頭妹說也許是故意的,所以我想我只好接受,在ravelry很努力的找其他人對這款毛線的comments,但也沒什麼人提到,還有人給他五顆星評價,我自己只給一顆星,不過打了2/3之後效果還頂滿意的,所以還是別計較了~這款pattern只是很簡單的一行下針一行上針,再 一行下針然後2p2k,低調的很好看,就有一點點格子的紋路感,可能因為毛線很粗,所以居然這次只花一個禮拜就完成2/3,好驚人喔!!


Friday, 5 September 2008

fake-a-gamo V-received my bag handle

昨天終於下定決心定了我的bag handles. 找來找去終於在pelennapatchworks找到
一對cane handle 3.5英鎊,其實比起john lewis已經便宜許多

Finally I made up my mind to order bag handles on pelennapatchworks. It is the cheapest I could find so far. One pair is GBP 3.5. The delievery is 1.5 within UK. If the oder is over15 will be free. I spent lots of time looking for straight handles. Most of them are in U shape or round or any knid of shapes except straight. It was very exciting when I finally found this at pelenapatchworks. They also sould lots of lovely fabric. I was quite tempting to order some from them.
I made my order yesterday around noon and got it today! So fast and nice package!
I hope I can finish my fake-a-gamo this weekend!!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Margaret Cardigan IV-Finished 小外套完工!

終於完成我的第一件小外套,完成後才發現其實比我想像的小件很多,原本我預期會是一件不是那麼包的衣服,但打完才發現除了袖子的地方特寬有符合我想要的小外套之外,領子的地方其實頂包的..(Oh my God..) 而且果然如我預知的,袖口的地方太寬@@

Finally finished my first-ever cardigan. It was much smaller than I thought it would be. I expected it will be a cardigan rather a shrug. Except the sleeves are quite wide, the collar is quite fit. and as I had worried, the cuffs were way too wide.

其實當初打完袖口時我就有先試套在手上,還 特別量了一下自己其他的外套的袖口寬度,但考量到冬天穿了毛衣後應該會需要大一點點,而且既然是日本的織圖,依照日本女生的尺寸,對我來說應該是不會有太 大的疑慮,不過結果還是大太多,畢竟成品是一件很包的小外套,不像我原本想像的是一件寬寬的外套所以,袖口可能要拆掉重打(嗚嗚~~)

I did try to put it on when I finished cuffs. In order not to make a mistake, I even tried to measure some of my other coats. I thought if I wear something inside in the winter, I probably need a wider cuff. Besides this pattern is from Japan, according to Japanese girl's size, it shouldn't be a problem for me. In the end, it was still too big for me. I was quite frustrated because I spent much time to knit this one, I really don't want to end up unravelry it or disappointed about what I had done.


I am quite happy to finally finish my first cardigan. At this it is quite like a clothe, but there's still something needs improved. I think dark yarn might be better for this pattern. I tried to wear in black dress inside today. It turned out much much better than what it looked like when the first day I completed it.


p.s.:袖口是用袖子去收從93針(42cm)收到54針(21cm) 我的手腕大概14.5cm也沒有特別小(基本上我只有身高小,骨頭算很大的)所以我也不知道原圖的照片是怎麼可以稱住袖口變成漂亮的收口=.=. ..我後來直接縫起來,但這樣袖口跟袖子的接縫會一點有點不順...

