Tuesday, 16 September 2008

MS4:1 悶~~upset...

上禮拜很開心的報名了MS4,而且想說要來打給我娘,給他一個驚喜~上禮拜五很心急的找毛線跟珠珠,畢竟MS4已經開打好一陣子了,而且這是我第一次找蕾斯線跟珠子,加上這是要送我娘的不是自己要用的,所以掙扎好久才選好顏色,大多數在美國的人都是買knitpicks,但英國買不到,所以只好流口水,最後還好Regina說Lane Borgosesia也蠻不錯的,所以就決定來試試看!我一直是個很不會看照片下決定的人,還好Regina有幫我挑毛線跟珠珠的顏色,放心多了!下定好後就一直想著禮拜一應該就會收到

I registered to join MS4 last week. I was thinking to make it for my mom to surprise her. I spent quite a long while to find the right yarn and beads. I wasn't easy for me for I was first time to knit by lace yarn. Most of the members knit by knitpicks, unfortunately I can't buy knitpack in the UK. so finally I found Lane Borgosesia on internet and Regina said she's heard people recommand this yarn, which was a big relieve for me. I never realize it is a big task to find a right color for my mom. Thanks for Regina she gave me lots of opinions on the yarn and beads. I am those kinf of person to have problem to make a decision unless I see the stuff in front of me. I did enjoy the whole process of looking for materials.



Anyways, I put my order on line last Friday and couln't wait for Monday's coming.
Monday, nothing came.
Tuesday, finally my beads came. The color is very rich and just like what I think. Where's my yarn??! I tried to call the shop, the lady who answered the phone said she was too busy to deal with it. Maybe I couldn't try to call tomorrow.
Wed, I got the call from the shop, unfortunately they don't have the yarn.???!!! Why...I was very upset because if they could note out of stock on internet, at least I can try other colors. Now I've

got my beads, I don't think I can change the color of the yarn now.
wait wait wait.....It is suppoed to be the longest wait in my life.....:S


Regina said...

不氣不氣...有時候好事多磨嘛!再說,也找到另一家有賣Cashwool的線,訂了叫他快點寄來!不急...我的珠珠以經不夠用了,星期五Clue 3出來肯定沒法打幾排,就得等珠珠來,所以要先打我的Secret of the Stole III,你可以慢慢來!

RO said...

期待你的secret of the stole III!!