Thursday, 25 September 2008

fake-a-gamo VI 完成! Finally complete my fake-a-gamo( What a long journey~~)

週末我把我的裁縫機搬出來玩耍~這是我去年收到的聖誕禮物只是因為我從沒操作過,所以每次只要拿出來就要拿著手冊一個一個步驟的從穿針到捲bobbin然後常常bobbin還很不給面子的會卡住@@所以每次只要想到要用裁縫機我就是一個頭兩個大.但這個週末我實在是覺得我應該把我的fake-a-gamo完成,這麼漂亮的包包一直被我冷落的放在旁邊真的是對他很不公平! 所以我就拿出我的裁縫機~嘿嘿~一次搞定ㄟ~~不過我還是有耍小白吃~正反縫錯,所以拆線又花了好一陣子@@ I finally took out my sewing machine which was my Last Xmas present from Andy. I never used one before I got it. So I was very UNFAMILIAR withi it. Everttime I use it, I need to do it step by step according to the manual. Yes! From putting on the thread, wind the bobbing, etc. And I had so much trouble with the bobbing=.= So I wasn't keen to use sewing machine. Honestly I've finished this bag for quite a while. But I hadn't manage to do my lining. Last weekend I just thought this is such a lovely bag, if I don't do it NOW. It might end up being put on the corner FOREVER!!! so I made up my mind to just do it!!!Lucily! I didn't suffer a lot to finish the lining, except I sewed it in side out the first time.

縫完內裡後開始縫把手反而輕鬆很多呢..最困難的居然是如何把內裡漂亮的跟包包縫合.我逢的不是很美=.=不過至少已經有個內裡可以開始用了=.= 希望下次再做包包可以有比較漂亮的內裡,上次打cable bag時因為是麻花包所以織片很緊密的在一起,縫內裡時很簡單,但fake-a-gamo是個很多洞洞的包所以我不知道怎麼縫得很紮實因為擔心線會露出來就不好了

After sewing the lining, it was much easier to sew the handles. The most difficult part was out of my expection-- how to sew the lining perfectly inside the bag. I have to admit that Ididn't do it well. But at least I can start using it NOW!!! I hope I can make it better next time. The first bag I made was a cable bag. Maybe because of the pattern was full of cable. It was quite solid to sew the lining . Unfortunately Fake-a-gamo isn't bag with lovely pattern which has some holes. That is why I didn't know how to sewing the lining in a better way.

I couldn't wait to have carried my fake-a-gamon to work today even I nealy missed my train this morning.( I rushed to change my bag just before I left) I was so happy about it! Except the lining.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Hi! I am totally in love with the Fake-a-Gamo! I emailed Kate to get the finished pattern but have had no response... I am already at work on the starting via her stitch info section but was hoping that perhaps you would still have the pattern somewhere and I could grab it from you?! Please email me privately: Thanks in anticipation!!