Saturday, 20 September 2008

フードつきショール3-完成~finished my shawl

yarn:Jaeger Natural Fleece 5skein
shade 531

這是我第一件披肩我沒有想到會這麼快就完成呢!(果然粗毛線可以打很快ㄟ) 雖然是一件設計很簡單的披肩但卻很有自己的特色,唯一比較困擾的是不知道揹包包時是該揹在裡面還是外面,所以我決定要把包包換成提的,所以這代表--我要快點來完成我的fake-a-gamo!!(昨天我鼓起勇氣把我的裁縫機拿出來把內裡縫好了@_@)

This is a shawl I have been attracted for a long time. I didn't realize it would be finished so quickly! only 2 weeks!! Godness! Although it's a very simple design but it does has its own charaster. The only flaw is when I hold a handbag I don't know whether to carry it inside the shawl or outside.:) Which really inspires me to finish my fake-a-gamo( I actually took out my sewing machine and complete th elining last night.)

這個毛線是jeager的natural fleece,已經停產了,但我因為喜歡他的顏色所以買來打打看,這個毛線最大的缺點是,有時會很粗有時會很細,我在打的時候很擔心打完整件衣服看起來會 有些地方的毛線很粗有些地方太細,但打完卻很意外的沒有這個問題,不過我想有機會在打粗毛線我應該不會再買這一款毛線,給其他粗毛線一個機會. 上次打粗毛線是rowan的big wool,兩個都是粗毛線(但natural fleece更粗一些)都是100% wool,但觸感JAEGER的好很多~可惜粗細不一=.=

The yarn I used this time is natural fleece from JAEGER. It is already discountinued. I like the color that was why I gave it a try. The biggest shortcoming is the yab has very uneven thickness. I was so worried the shawl would look not right when finished. Thank God it doesn't happen! I don't think I will buy the same yarn to knit next time. The last timne I use bulky yarn is big wool from ROWAN. they're both 100% lambwool but I prefer the texture of JAEGER.

我鈕釦是在ebay上面買的,照片實在是照的太美了,所以我反而有點擔心品質不會像照片那麼好,但是很意外的實體就像照片一樣唷~非常的有質感!(要謝謝 Celia跟Regina幫我票選二號!哈!)縫在衣服上也很好看呢~~我發現織圖扣子的位子縫起來後最後一顆有點拐拐的,所以我後來自己把扣子的位置移的比較後面這樣可以調成扣扣子時下擺是剛好成一圈,我自己覺得這樣比原本的設計好看,也會剛好可以讓領子的地方突出的很漂亮.
the button is from ul ebay:belloandbellissimo. They are as lovely as what the picture looked like. And they were delivered very fast!! well packed. I recommand this seller if your'e in the uk.( I wanna thank Regina and Celia to have picked such wonderufl buttons for me. They go so well with this shawl!!)I found the position of the last button will make the shawl doesn't look quite right if you knit it according to the pattern. So I moved it a bit further to make it a smooth line among the three buttoons. And I also think it makes the collars looks much better. I really like the little altering for myself!

帽子的地方是用半針縫合,我看了圖之後覺得跟flat seam很像一邊又心急的想要趕快完成,就自己開心怎樣縫合就下手了!有時候覺得編織本來就是要隨心所欲完全照原圖縫反而綁手綁腳,最後是用三針縫合的方式bind off. (引き抜き)這些專有名詞真的常搞的我頭昏腦脹的~~有時候會覺得乾脆直接打英文織圖算了,但看著日本的圖就又一直留口水...=.="

the hood was beamed by 半針縫合. I wasn't sure how to do it, but I reclon it looked like flat seam meanwhile, I was so desperate to finish it.( I was so close!!!) so I just did it on my own way. I think knitting shouldn't be a pressure to do whatever the pattern told us.( of course some main principle we still need to obey!) the most important thing is I ENJOY it! and if I did, why kept worried about which way is the correct way. I feel frustrarted when I encountered these terminology but I also learned and felt so happy when I realize what they are.

11/9 Finished the half part of the shawl.
14/9 Finished shawl..Will work on hood now.
19/9 put on buttons and make my first-ever button holes
20/9 use 半目とじ to seam two sides of the hoods, I reckin that’s flat seam. and then (引き抜き)3 needle bind-off to finish the hood.
20/9 I changed the position of the last button to make it look more smoothly.


Regina said...

哇~好漂亮的披肩喔!模特兒更漂亮!釦子很配呢!我兒子看到照片一直講: 阿姨~漂亮~阿姨~漂亮~小孩子是不會騙人的啦!

RO said...


Anonymous said...




Celia said...


RO said...


RO said...



Celia said...

TKA - 定型(一)
TKA - 定型(二)

RO said...
