Picture from Micheal's-對照組 Picture from Ro-實驗組
This is it!! I spent so much time to look for the right yarn for it. Because the yarn is from the US so I couldn't find exactly the same yarn here. after I found the yarn, start looking for bag handles. It's so unbelieveable how expensive they are in the UL Even it's ugly it costs 6 pound. But I found some on ebay which is 10 pounds for 5 pairs. But the good news is I found a very nice and good quality one. I reckon I would use it after all( although it's not cheap..)
就是這個包!讓我找毛線就找很久了,因為是美國的pattern,所以那個毛線英國沒有賣..所以最後在john lewis買tensiony最接近的rowan big wool,之後找把手..英國的把手竹製的醜不垃圾也要6英鎊(大概四百塊台幣!)但是ebay可以買到五付六百塊.重點是我找到一個木頭的很美..所以應該會用那個!(當然也是很貴..)
I also found the ribbon. so..what do I need? now... I need time and I haven't realize some part of the pattern.
It is not an easy pattern for me but thank God I found someone who had made it before and she was so nice to explain the pattern for me. This is laso the first time I try to knit with 2 strands. I learned a lot by searching on internet.
這個包一開始要先打14排的stocking stitch(一排下針一排上針,我想應該是重複這樣七次)再來要換粗一點的針並且用兩股打...我不會啦....=.=所以現在要等善心人事出現教我打我才有辦法進行下一步了....@@
It is surprising fast after started yesterday. after 14 rows of stocking stitches it will be 6 times repeat the pattern I've finished 2.5 times.( Just used my yarn up!!! I can't wait to go home now again!!) I hope I can finish it before next week. then I can show it to my mom in law and she can help me how to do lining and handles with both 2 bags.
昨天開始打之後速度真是飛快~~14排stocking stitches之後就是六次重複12排的pattern兩天我已經打了兩次半(現在ㄧ顆毛球被我打光所以又是迫不及待的想要回家阿!!!) 希望下禮拜去找婆前可以打完,這樣我可以跟他現我的包!而且也可以依並把我的內裡跟提把縫好~~~
I realize how important a counter is. The first time I knitted the 14 rows of stocking stitches. I made a mistake(either 15row or 13row) so it ends up inside out. so undid it.. Maybe I do need one.
When you are in the middle of the pattern, you might find it seems something wrong. it's not so balanced. but keep knitting you'll find it will back to normal. This is what I found.
I don't know why the hole will become smaller everytime I redo it.( Does it only happen to me?) I was too eager to knit it even on the train so I couldn't help take it out to knit. But it wasn't easy to knit on the trian, especially when I need cable needle most of the time.
After a weekend. I nearly finished it. I started by a very short needle.(23cm) That's why I needed to sqeeze 79 stitches into them. so I found it's quite small. the width is about 34cm, the length is not long enough to fit in A4 size paper. so I decide to knit 1 more time of the pattern to make it bigger. I think it looks perfect size for me now. I realize how important to do gauge first now.
經過一個週末, 我終於快要完成啦!!由於剛開始我只有短針,所以我的79針必須跟擠大腸ㄧ樣縮在短針裡, 禮拜六收到長針後我就換了,但還是比預期的40cm少了很多...只有34cm左右,長度也不夠..所以我多縫了ㄧ次,現在可以勉強裝入a4,不過縫了內裡就不知道會怎樣,我感覺我是打的比較緊了些,所以我下ㄧ步要來拉拉樂,看能不能把寬度拉鬆一點, 不過現在的比例我很滿意...所以打東西前先確定gauge還是很重要的! 哀~~
I don't know will I make another one because it's quite difficult to knit!!Because of so many twisting, I wasn't sure if I knit it right or not. Only found when you looked back....but..it's too tired to undo it. I used 2 strands of yarn to knit it, so it's easy to split th eyarn if I undo it, which annoys me so much. Do I compromise now? Start to accept being not perfect??? I think I will look like a freak to carry a yarn bag under 30 degree sunlight!!!
I finished the last 14rows of the project!!! I hope I can finish the lining when we back to Stratford this weekend! I hope mom will not be too busy( Praying!!) and in this way, I can "SHOW" it off when I back to Taiwan next Month! But.. people say it's very hot there now.